Have you ever wondered what the definition for ‘insanity’ is? A learned friend painted to me his version of modern insanity. It sounded appalling and definitely worth a second thought. To him, ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome.’ He went on to pose a question that left me mum. He asked, ‘What happens then when the republic is inhabited by ‘insane’ folks?’
With all due respect, it would not be my pleasure to discuss insanity on this platform. However, in a nutshell, what my friend was trying to drive home was that modern day problems are as a result of our failure, or may be fear, to adopt new solutions. Roughly three weeks ago, the budget for the financial year 2011/12 was read implying the country had turned on a different financial page. This happened despite most of us still treading on our aged financial plans that are highly characterized by fixed incomes. With the recent hue and cry against the surging commodity prices, many of us have been bent on controlling costs and paying no regard to incomes. Well, just how then can you redefine your income this financial year?